Doctor's Data

Doctor`s Data: Hair Analysis mineral and heavy metal assessment: measurement of toxic and essential elements, nutrient elements including magnesium, chromium, zinc, copper and selenium are obligatory co-factors for hundreds of important enzymes and also are essential for normal functions of vitamins. Among other minerals verified, you will find: calcium, manganese, strontium and others.

Hair analysis test is the best available method of assessing the presence of intracellular Metabolic Acidosis.

Hair analysis is a valuable tool of measuring the presence of heavy metals like: cadmium, lead, mercury, aluminium, arsenic . Even the low levels of heavy metals in children predispose them to ADD, ADHD and different behavioral problems.

Every child should be checked for the presence of toxic elements at least once a year.

Urine toxic metals:  It is an objective way to evaluate the accumulation of toxic metals and the body`s capacity of excretion. For an individual, toxicity occurs when net retention exceeds physiological tolerance.